Signalis 2022

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Time Played

8h 25m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 18, 2022

Platforms Played


I had the chance to see and play Signalis for the first time at steam next fest. Although I was not very fascinated, I thought that it was the best looking game of next fest and after saying "I will look when it comes out", I deleted it from my mind until the day I played it 2 months after it came out. And as a result, I regret not playing it as it came out, Signalis is a really good game.

The story of Signalis starts with our character Elster waking up on an empty spaceship. It is up to us to find out what happened and what we have to do. I won't go into it here as everything after this point is probably spoilers and will ruin the mystery, but the storytelling is simply cryptic. Even after finishing the game with the ending Promised and watching three or four videos about it, I can't confidently say that I understood the story.

I've seen that many people find gameplay of signalis clunky, but I don't think there's a big problem except for the occasional inability to interact with doors and items. The puzzles are pretty good. Bosses are few and unfortunately not that good. The inventory system is limited to six slots, including key items and bullets. This requires you to go from the safe room to the rooms with key items and loot every now and then, but it wasn't that big of a problem, at least for me.

As I said at the beginning, Signalis is a great looking game. The PS1-ish graphics are nice and the music fits the setting.

All in all, Signalis is one of the best games of 2022. Especially if you like survival horror genre, you should definitely play it. 8/10