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Time Played

18h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 20, 2024

First played

March 19, 2024

Platforms Played


Excusing the fact that I did save scum my entire way through the game on Jedi difficulty, the game itself is actually very fun to play.

Although I do believe that the lightsaber combat can be a bit clunky, I did really enjoy it and understand why people refer to this as the best lightsaber combat a Star Wars game has to offer even if my only other Star Wars combat experience is Lego Star Wars and Battlefront 2. That being said, I did find some of the fights frustrating. I don't know if that has anything to do with the fact that I chose a single lightsaber over the double sided saber ot having 2 as this may have made the game a bit easier, or maybe it's just the difficulty I chose or regrettably, I suck at the game.

The music is all of the licensed Star Wars music so naturally it gets a 10/10 from me, I love it all. The graphics are ps2 era so I don't really mind as graphics do not effect how I grade a game unless it makes the game unplayable in some way, I don't believe any game from the PS2 era can have that effect though.

I really like the map design in this game. It forces you (no pun intended) to think about how to actually progress using the force abilities the game gives to you, most of which I don't think I made great use of like 'Absorb', 'Protect', or 'Sense' all being light side abilities. Force lightning wasn't great but I don't think I maxed it out. Force choking however, is really fun and really useful when maxed out as you can lift people up and drop them anywhere. This is particularly good when on any high landing with big drops at the side. The AI don't allow you to do this any time you want though so you can't just abuse it which is again a good thing.

I got the Light Side ending of the game. I don't know what difference it made to the story as I don't know what happens in the Dark Side ending and I don't know if I will do a Dark Side playthrough but, I assumed that because after every few stages, the game gives you an ability to either boost or acquire, light side and dark. So I figured that whatever abilities you had more of would result in what ending you get but towards the end of the game, there's an important boss battle that seems to be the time where you actually choose which to do but I can't say for certain.

Overall a fun game with aspects that seem to make it frustrating for me as a player without having to constantly save, if this wasn't an issue I reckon this would get the full 5 stars but I can't tell if it's just a misunderstanding of the combat, a skill issue or something else. That said, I'd still recommend it to any Star Wars fan.