This game is a mess of spaghetti code and bugs and crashes, but despite that it's still one of the best games ever made.

In contrast to Bethesda's take on Fallout, this is a true role playing game. Most quests have multiple outcomes and solutions that account for several playstyles. They also all connect to the overall story and conflict in a very realistic way. While the open world kind of suffers and is less interesting to explore compared to Fallout 3, it makes up for it for the sheer amount of content and replayability it has. The fact that this was made in merely 18 months is insane to me, even with the reused assets.

The DLC is a mixed bag. Dead Money conceptually is great with a fantastic plot, but the gameplay is a chore, especially the speakers and radios you have to deal with. Honest Hearts is fun to explore, but its quests are basically just fetch quests and the story is completely carried by Joshua Graham. Old World Blues is funny, if a little too goofy at times, and fun to explore, but has similar issues with Honest Hearts where all the quests are fetch quests. You at least get crazy rewards from it.

Lonesome Road meanwhile is arguably the worst DLC in any Fallout game. The environments are cool, but Ulysses just sucks as a character and is the epitome of everything wrong with Chris Avellone's writing. Add in a linear area with obnoxious enemies and you get one slog of an add-on. Killing Ulysses is the best part of it.

Not 100% sure if New Vegas is still my favorite game, but it's definitely in the running. I just hope that Obsidian or some other decent developer can some day make another Fallout game instead of waiting for Bethesda-slop.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
