2 reviews liked by MarkySharky

Sup bitches. What's up bitches? It's Chadwarden here. Aight. I'm talking about that /v/GA Awards. Man, they best rename that shit to /v/G Gay Awards. See, Chadwarden... Chadwarden's been looking at the games... aight. All the games, like that pussy ass bullshit Katawa Shoujo. I don't know about you, but that shit ain't ballin'. Aight. Chadwarden ain't gonna play as some white boi running around and fucking white crippled bitches. Fuck that shit. Aight? There ain't one black bitch in there! Aight? You got your blonde bitch, Lilly. You got your bacon bitch, Hanako. Aight? But you ain't got one black bitch in there. One. Not one. And people try to say that them bitches are asian. Aight? Don't even get me that shit. Aight? That them bitches ain't fucking white. Aight? Look at them bitches eyes. Aight? Bitches, you ain't fooling me. Aight? You know, they might be fooling weeaboos, shit, you know, trying to tell me they're asian bitches. But they ain't fooling Chadwarden, aight? Who wants to play that shit? I-I need to shoot some niggas. Pow pow! True niggas, true niggas don't play that game, you know who play that shit, gay niggas. Gay niggas. Chad Daddy stresses ABAP. Katawa Shoujo stresses bullshit.

Terra meter: 78%

Story/narrative - 4/5
Gameplay - - 4/5
Sound/music - 4/5
General presentation - 4/5
Overall enjoyment - 3.5/5