Log Status






Time Played

48h 53m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 6, 2023

First played

June 19, 2023

Platforms Played


First of all, how the hell does this run on a Wii U?

Second, Xenoblade Chronicles X is an experience i really can't describe with words. It's a "hard" game to like, i'm not gonna lie, if you don't like to grind or wait real time, or the MMO feeling, this game is going to hurt you. But if not, there is a lot to explore and create with a LOT of systems and mechanics and builds and so on. Oh, and mechas.

Besides that, the story and the characters did left me disappointed, except like 3 interesting ones? The atmosphere is amazing and easily the best thing in the game. Again, XC feature an insane OST, that makes you feel you need a bigger gun.

It's a fairly long game and i am not really feeling to write a big review about it. It's a game that I recommend even though it has a lot of flaws.

To end this review, HOW THE HELL DOES THIS RUNS ON A WII U???