The Playstation 2 console was a fun little thing, that's for sure, however I couldn't afford those damned memory cards...
Yes, I've played the introduction of this game more times than one human being should, and yet, never in my entire childhood I've grew tired of it.

This is one of those game of which I have a lot of love for and wish I could play again, while at the same time, refraining myself of such, for fear that it won't be the same as it was at my youngest days.

After playing Skyrim as a kid and dreaming of wielding a sword and shield, getting into other open world games and tabletop RPG's, I've grew up and realized that much of the awesome experience I had once was greatly influenced by my imagination and not entirely knowing what I was getting into.
Exploring the game (again) and it's expansions (for the first time), brought me joy, of course, but it also made me reach the depressing conclusion that, after several re-releases, Bethesda's number 1 concern is of capitalizing over what worked, instead of expanding our experience.

I could go on and on, talking about how linear the game actually is, how some factions should have been much more, NPC's should have been much more, but I won't, I think there's great youtubers that already covered these details and, honestly, neither do I have the time to write such things, nor would you want to read it.
It's a good game, however it is not as great as I once thought it to be.

It was and still is my first ever time playing a game I could fully immerse myself in, way back in 2011.
It's the nostalgia talking, I'm sure of it, that thing I felt for the first time after creating a character and exploring the wilderness of Riverwood, I know can't be replicated anymore, leaving me only to my memories of how I spent that boiling hot summer, trying my best to figure out English and thoroughly enjoying the - at the time - best game ever made.

A journey blind into a piece of media can often lead you to discover a setting so brilliant in an otherwise common and generic genre. Far Cry 3 was, to me, one of these discoveries and I am very much glad to have gotten into it completely unaware of what was waiting for me.

The first game you've ever played on your first console is always one you'll cherish the most.

That's not entirely the case, Castlevania: LoS was completely shadowed by Skyrim and the Xbox release of Minecraft. Sorry, I guess?

Still, I didn't forget the fun I had playing it, aswell as the dread of some of it's levels for my 11 year old self. Would definitely play it again sometime soon.

Far Cry 4 was all around a disappointment for me. After playing a whole lot of Far Cry 3 and praising it's story, characters and mechanics, I was hyped for the fourth installment like never before, however...
Come on, Ubisoft, really? The first 30 minutes after the (amazing) start of the game and I realized "wait, this is exactly like Far Cry 3? Same mechanics, same vehicles and guns mostly, same bugs even!"

Dude, no joke, it even has same hallucinogenic levels. They come out of nowhere and interact almost nothing to the story, do they think me stupid or something? Jeez.

But I can ride an elephant??? 10/10 best game 4 ever