I finished this game very quickly. I have been umming (and ahhing) about what to say about it since I finished it because I felt like I should have more to say about the game, but I don't. I think this was the first Zelda game I ever bought, I had seen a trailer for it and at one point in the trailer Link dives off a cliff into some water and I thought "that looks great, I'm going to buy that game and do that."

I got the game and have vivid memories of running around ordon village, trying to get that fucking cat to go home. I felt like I tried everything and in the process became familiar with the space and the people in it. I was stuck there for what felt like hours, and as a kid I had nothing else to be doing. I eventually decided to go fishing because I felt like I'd done everything else and you know what? I caught a fish and that little twat came running. that is my main memory of the game, I definitely got to the first dungeon but I don't remember if I finished it or not. I definitely had nostalia for the game.

I have played a number of other zelda games now including one called OCARINA OF TIME, and decided it was time to go back to Twilight Princess, so I got it on the Wii U. I knew what I was doing in Ordon village so flew through that pretty quickly, it was nice to go back, but it didn't feel quite so brimming with life this time round, maybe it's just because I'm older! Anyway, I got to the first dungeon and well, played the whole game. I was regularly reminded of why I loved Ocarina of Time so much, there's so much that that game got right that, and Twilight Princess in a lot of ways feels like Ocarina of Time 2, except lacking the charm and a lot of what made the tone and atmosphere of that game so great for me. A lot of Twilight Princess felt very lifeless to me, especially after coming from Skyward Sword, the heart of the game is Midna, who IS great. She is easily the best part of the game, and the moment where you are carrying her to Castle Town is probably the best moment in the entire game. I don't really have any complaints about the gameplay, I'm sure it is basically just OoT but smoother in a lot of ways! I enjoyed the way the combat worked as human link, except you could still just get away with spamming if you were feeling lazy. The dungeons are all pretty good, they're quite lengthy but yeah, they're good! I became pretty tired of the one where you're controlling all the little soldier statues though. I have strongest memories of the water temple and the final (?) dungeon, I really liked those ones.

I think that this is a really good game, but it very rarely wowed me, it felt like stuff I'd done before, even though I know that I hadn't. The early game section that I'd done before was the part I enjoyed the most, I think! The rest of the game just felt, fine. It was good. I couldn't put the game down, but I didn't have much to say about it. When I did get to the Zora village though, I found a big cliff and made Link dive off the edge into the water. I think it was worth the wait.

Reviewed on Jan 26, 2023
