RPGs tend to follow tropes associated with anime, light novels, and manga. It’s part of the origin of the medium in the 80s. I do not think I’ve seen a game take these tropes and distill them so well into one amazing experience quite like Sky does. With likeable characters, an immersive but low intensity story, comfy graphics and fun gameplay, this game is likely to be one of the most memorable RPGs I ever play.

Estelle and Joshua, our two main characters, are a breath of fresh air for RPG protagonists. Estelle, the audience insert, is an exceptional character with a defined, aggressive personality from the word go, far for passive or a blank slate. Joshua follows more closely with anime protagonist tropes, but snappily written dialogue and genuinely heartfelt growth and backstory make him more than the sum of his parts. Both characters are extremely active in the story, influencing its events from start to finish. All the other characters follow suit, and have individual lives and relationships which make them feel real, and not just vessels for the player to attach to.

Gameplay is the reason this game doesn’t have a 5/5. The tutorials are fine, but can feel very imposing to start off. The mechanics are good, but not explored as deeply as I think could have been done. Some bosses turn into damage sponges later in the story, and certain spells can trivialise fights. But the speed and energy of battles keeps the gameplay loop amazingly entertaining, and exploring the world to improve your gear is great, and very well paced.

The graphics and soundtrack play into the game’s cozy and comfy feel. It’s a little diorama, with cute Chibi sprites and detailed towns. Every town in the story is extremely unique, and all of them feel lived in. They really try to immerse you into the world, and show that everything moves even without the player.

Overall, trails in the sky is one of the best RPGs I’ve played. Passion oozes from it. The battle system may be rough around the edges, but it is worth it for this amazingly immersive world full of fun, colourful characters and areas to explore to your heart’s content. It leaves you wanting more, which all of the game’s many sequels offer.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2022
