It's chess puzzles. Nothing else to say. It's a fine little time killer.

Before choice driven cinematic story games a little known company called "Telltale" was a pillar in the point and click adventure genre. And few other games better represent that than Back To The Future: The Game. Blending familiar characters and story with new twists and turns, partnered with nice art style, this game achieves what could be believed and truly feels a part of the BTTF franchise. A gem in a company with far more well known games and a must play for point and click fans.

Supergiant have proven time and time again they are an indie powerhouse, giving us some of the most well crafted and intricate indie games to date. Before Hades, before Transistor we first must stop at Bastion, the game that started it all.

This gorgeous adventure game blends sci-fi and fantasy and sprinkle it with some narration (I am a sucker for narration), a beautiful soundtrack and a world so vibrant and fun you will be itching to replay it as soon as the credits roll.

A perfect start to one of my favorite developers and a true Hall of Fame entry into my imaginary Indie Games Hall of Fame.


Based on a Steven Wilson masterclass in music storytelling, this game weaves together the concept and emotions of the song and amplifies your perception with striking yet haunting visuals, more of Wilson's beautiful music and a plot that will have you needing a box of tissues and a stone in your chest.

A master-class of indie gaming's ability to tackle styles and genres the bigger companies can't risk and deliver us an experience so unforgettable and beautiful it sits with you for weeks.

Indie spirit.

This game bolsters a beautiful art style that sweeps you from screen to screen leaving an impact on your senses. The visuals are well accompanied by a beautiful plot that is as short as it is sweet.

A single sitting game which is worth the time spent enjoying it. I'm sure I'll visit this again one day.

3 words - imm-ers-ion.

Immersion, the one word that sums up Skyrim perfectly. A truly immersive game, one that makes you feel you're in the world. But what's immersion without a good soundtrack?

Jeremy Soule does what he always does and strikes a chord deep in your soul(e) yet again with this score of gentle piano, bold orchestral swells and eerie wind assortments. What Skyrim lacks for in technical prowess it makes up for in world building and what really may be the greatest gaming world ever to explore. A classic through and through and a shining beacon in gaming that will stand the test of time.

A lot of heart.

A game full of soul and visual delight. This indie adventure puzzle platformer really was a joy visually, and with a sharp, swooning soundtrack to match. Gameplay was relatively clunky but it didn't hold us back from having a good time (when we weren't frustrated at some of the harder parts). An enjoyable game which has me keen to play the sequels.

One of my absolute favorite games, and the game that revolutionised the indie gaming market (for better or worse, depends if you like walking sims).

From the very second you are swept into the game you can almost taste rhe atmosphere. It's thick. You take a few steps and the narration starts, and with the narration the atmosphere is almost overwhelming.

This indie gem lives and dies by its atmosphere and for me, it lives, greatly. 3 times played and everytime I pick it up the music and the setting sweep me away and transport me to this little island to relive the horrors of those before me. A remarkable effort and venture into a genre which at the time was yet to take flight.

An escape room at home.

My wife and I are self admitted escape room enthusiasts. Few things match the immersiveness and rush of an escape room... yet this game nails it on the head.

It really is a true escape room experience and the unique art style helped to give the game a strong personality and set the standard for the atmosphere and feel of the game. With an incredible DLC and another on the way I cant wait to forget the puzzles so we can play again.

A classic.

A game that makes you feel like you've stumbled onto the set of a mobster movie akin to Copolla and Scorsese. A tonne of mafia fun with a genuinely moving plot, this game is the complete package. Besides some gameplay issues (driving in general), this game conjures up an unforgettable experience and boy do the remastered graphics look outstanding.

Wow... in the most pure and perfect sense, a fantasy book come to life.

Every minute of this genuine masterpiece had me enthralled, immersed and captivated and feeling like I'd entered a fantasy world myself and was suddenly sprung to be the hero of a world. Incredible adaptation of a book series to this remarkably faithful and well made game. One of my alltime favourites and one I'll be visiting again and again and again.

An incredible experience in many regards. The detective work and unfolding, overarching story was exceptionally well done. The use of Jon was incredible. The cases were thought provoking filled with tough choices and fun twists. An incredible portrayal of a young, learning Sherlock.

Con - the combat is basic, repetitive and boring. There is more of it than needed 10 times over but thankfully it's a minor hurdle in a fantastic game.

A fun little puzzle adventure beat em up game targeted towards kids. As a huge Star Trek fan I had to pick it up regardless and was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable it was. More enemy variety would have been appreciated, but co-op play keeps the game fun nonetheless. Score may be a bit higher than deserved due to my Trek bias but such is life.