Great concept, not so great execution. The idea of a Splatoon roguelike is so interesting. It does seem like the type of game that would lend well to an upgrade system, and taking the hoards of enemies from Salmon Run was such a good idea. But idk, something stumbled along the way. The bosses were pretty alright but the floors you have to go up? Frankly it feels like you get the same 2-3 levels every run with very little variation. Playing the game over and over and over to grind for items and gear and badges feels so monotonous compared to every other roguelike i've ever played. Maybe its the lack of randomness? Or maybe just the color design being almost exclusively beige? The entire dlc feels incredibly samey the entire way through. These arent levels tailor made with certain weapons in mind like octo expansion, these are levels that are meant to be beaten with anything at any level, which leads to the design being sub-par at best and downright awful at worst. Instead of creating difficulty through platforming like story mode or teamwork like salmon run, it creates difficulty by shoving every enemy in the room at you. You fight more with your ink supply than with the actual enemies in my opinion.
It is an incredibly disappointing experience after all of the hype built around it that I don't even want to unlock everything in it. At least the animation and ost is nice

The way the song releases were handled is actually pretty bad (considering I got the game and dlcs as they released and spent $120 vs the $60 the pc port costs), but thats besides the point. It is an incredibly fun game that frankly runs pretty well on switch, though it takes up a behemoth of your storage at 30+GBs. This game desperately needed an english physical release.
Mix Mode was pretty fun as well

An incredibly fun rhythm game with a charming artstyle. Are the charts a bit more on the easy side? yeah, but honestly im thankful for that given the 3ds's form factor. Mercy on the fingers

The storymode was great, though there really isn't any incentive for multiple playthroughs. The cutscenes in particular were really well done
The multiplayer on the other hand I've found far more frustrating than the other two games combined. A combination of the plethora of connection errors, the slow update cycle, and boring splatfests (tricolor is a very poorly executed mode) really bring this one down.The aesthetic of this game feels far less distinct compared to the other two games as well, and I find myself putting this one down for far longer periods of time despite having more playtime in this one. This game has great modes like the salmon run that are brought down by back to back terrible rotations, and the tableturf mode was entirely mishandled
With every interesting thing they added or every QOL improvement, there seems to be equally as many caveats

The campaign is fun, rewarding, and not too difficult or frustrating. No complaints

The storymode is fine, though incredibly repetitive if going for hero weapon completion. Going for 9 instead the 3 from the first game (not mentioning that the first game only required 4 levels instead of the entire story mode) is absolutely ridiculous.
The levels themselves are fine, if not a bit underwhelming, though the final boss steals the show
The multiplayer was pretty alright too, though it is hard to get matchmaking these days. The Splatfests were fantastic with all of the gimmick stages

This is /the/ best splatoon story mode hands down

good area, bad story and gameplay. At least we got Avery out of this

dynamax adventures speaks for itself, and the questline with peony is pretty fun. The tundra itself is a pretty good area. Good dlc for a mediocre game

I liked both the area and the story far less than the first dlc, but the little quest system is pretty alright

An inoffensive dlc that adds a side story and a couple of game modes. I liked it

A not great collection that has some great games in it. The extras are pretty cool though

Genesis Sonic without near as much Genesis Sonic jank. It is a feast for your eyes and ears, though sometimes the visuals can be a bit overwhelming, especially with how fast you can go

Sonic Forced me to beat this game :(