I dunno man, I liked it. Beat it twice with a warrior and sorcerer, had some glitches screw me over but it never got too bad.

I put 200 hours into this game and 30 were just for the stupid angler quests. One of my favorite games I've ever played.

This is definitely my favorite Spryo game. From the progression, to the side characters, to the minigames, everything put a smile on my face. It's probably nostalgia, since I first played this game when I was 6, but it was a great time.

I've loved the Spyro series since I was a kid, and playing the original was a really cool experience. I love the low polygon aesthetic the game carries, and the cheesy voice acting felt right at home. The only problem I had with the gameplay was the camera, since it was tough to wrestle with fairly often.

This game was absolutely fantastic, from start to finish. It follows the dark souls storytelling, where things are laid out through optional dialogue and item descriptions. The art is just phenomenal, and I really can't overstate how much I adore it. The gameplay is top tier, the only bits that were frustrating were purposely difficult sections meant to challenge your skill.

Wow, fantastic game, but I still haven't finished the last three missions. It's brutal no matter how well you play. However, the ambiance, soundtrack, and art style make everything about ripping your hair out absolutely enjoyable.