July, 2024

June, 2024


3h 25m

One thing that irks me about this modern reinterpretation of FFVII is the frequent overuse of virtual reality. Like, what point does building a theatre serve if the audience just jacks into a headset?

The developers clearly opted for this choice as it allows for more creative freedom, however it doesn't bode well for the clarity of the scene. Why do Cloud and the party specifically assume the roles of the characters? The narrator says "you are the hero" but that obviously isn't the case because the rest of the audience is just watching. Then after all that the scene promptly jumps to Aerith singing--a plot point lacking much in the way of build-up--and Cloud watching from the side lines. Shouldn't he be in the sitting area with everyone else? And his still wearing the stage outfit so did he, and by extension the entire party have any awareness of the lines they were saying during that scene? Was it all adlibbed or did they receive a script off screen prior?

This is yet another instance of the developers prioritising spectacle over narrative cohesion, and virtual reality only provides an excuse. I'd have settled for the party simply getting coerced into performing on account of Dio and the play being more authentic to an actual theatre play. Not every little moment has to be over-the-top, besides isn't this supposed to a relaxing date night before all hell breaks loose? Why are you thrusting a poor(er) man's OSU! at me.

The ensuing battle for naming rights wasn't all that difficult. At least until Rufus showed up; definitely the most I've struggled with a storyline boss thus far. Much of that is on me not utilizing either 'Triple Slash' or 'Disorder' during his reloads. I kept trying to land the instant stagger with 'Braver' but just couldn't find the timing. Would've liked a chance to rematch him but I'd already saved post-fight and the checkpoint sets me back to the date night.

May, 2024



3h 0m

Finally reached the dreaded Cait Sith boxing throwing segment, and to be honest it wasn't all that bad. I may have fared better because I was using the 'stick controls' as opposed to the 'touch pad controls', but it could've been worse. The Yin & Yang boss went down fairly easily as well, granted I'm probably overleveled.

However, I'm quite disappointed by the exclusion of the upper section of Shinra Manor. The code puzzle is also pitifully easy and simple compared to the original's.


2h 25m

I'm glad to see more attention being given to the ol' Avalanche gang. Now there's a plausible explanation for why Wedge just happened to be at the Shinra HQ building at the end of Remake (It was really just to kill him). Shame I had to begrudgingly pull myself through yet another mini-game. I manually customised my robots for the 1st and 2nd rounds, but resorted to automated setups for the latter two. Not nearly invested enough to dedicate the time to optimising strategy, and I seem to get by just fine spamming the cheapest units and overwhelming them with sheer numbers anyhow.

Felled Bahamut without much thought to strategy either, just kept whacking him til they died. Every now and then I find myself avoiding doing any combat simulations due to fatigue from the overabundance of enemy encounters and bosses, but then whenever I do get a diversion (i.e 'Gears & Gambits) I suddenly want to go back to fighting enemies. Is this a mark of a poorly designed game? I'll come to decide by the end.

Time to move on the Nibelheim.

April, 2024


1h 50m

This area felt like it housed a longer more complicated puzzle that the developers chose to cut out for time. That, or the best they could come up with was: 'pick up thing and put thing in the thing'.

I liked Red XIII's wall-climbing mechanic, but like all the other unique traversal mechanics, I wish they had more application beyond the area they get introduced. Perhaps in part 3, where Cloud becomes less the central leader we can see areas that incorporate a multitude of different character actions. Barret needs to quit complaining every time I scale a wall though.

Once again I praise the OST for being absolutely fantastic, the didgeridoo player didn't need to go THAT hard. The ambience of the environment was also superb...if not for the conspicuously out-of-place vending machines. Whoever installs those deserves a raise for their commitment.


1h 50m

I'd overheard from people online there was a song that Yuffie sang which started off cute but quickly became grating. Yep, this is definitely the one.

I wonder if by continuing the story I can stop her from singing anymore.

On a positive note, I quite like the verticality of Cosmo Canyon.


1h 30m

I don't understand the logic behind the gliding controls. I can't look around because both the left & right sticks control ascent / descent. They've could've just used the left stick and allowed full camera movement, strangely the screenshots showed the camera facing towards the player and at your party members; likely a developer screenshot.

Fought Kujata, and just about scrapped my way to victory. I clearly wasn't using enough offensive elemental magic, even Yuffie ninjutsu and Cloud equipped with 'Fire & Ice' materia paired with elemental on his weapon wasn't enough to pressure them. Thankfully Red XIII was tanky enough to withstand 'Tri-Disaster', and promptly revived Yuffie who then used pray to restore party HP (overpowered combo). Not very pretty, but a win is a win.

I really ought to be using Tifa more, and abuse 'Stop' on stagger metres for maximum damage.


2h 10m

Completed the remainder of the phenomenon intel in Gongaga. Disappointed that all the exercises are just standard combat trials, I receive than my fill of those from Chadley. It could've been interesting if more unique factors had been added in, like an escort mission where you're accompanied by shinra troops like in Chapter 4, but one of them is attacking your escort. Perhaps have environmental factors like in FFX when you had to power a crane with lightning magic. The ending is also weird, is no one suspicious of Cissnei? did not a single person in that room besides Cait Sith piece together she's a Turk?

Met Cid for the first time; I'll save my consensus on him for later.

The combat simulator trial: 'Head Case' really grinds my gears. I managed to complete it with Cait Sith casting sleep on the enemies once the brains were seperated from the mindflayer and then built synergy between Cloud & Tifa, which let me stagger him and quickly finish them off. The real trouble here is dealing with the AI, you have no control over who they choose to target for auto-attacks when not in direct control of player. I remember in interviews, developers said they wanted to "surpass the gambit system", sorry to lay this on you, but you didn't. While 'Auto Unique / Weapon Ability' materia helps to reduce the amount of micro-management, it doesn't come close to having custom set AI behaviour.