January, 2024


3h 40m

Pressed onward with the story since I believe I got everything that becomes unobtainable once you get the Highwind (well, at least the important stuff). I opted to cheat and use the zeppelin propeller method at the Speed Square in order to acquire Aerith's joke weapon, no way am I playing a shooting game with awkward 8-directional aiming.

Somehow I've found myself overleveled, despite the fact I didn't go out of my way to grind and thus the fight with J-E-N-O-V-A LIFE was trivial. The hardest part of that whole section was jerking around Cloud enough to make him raise his sword; I think it would've been better if that played out automatically and the player could move to resist.

Could've sworn I was better at the snowboarding minigame when I was younger but perhaps I missed some control prompt. I collapsed 3 times looking for items in the mountains, the first time just before reaching a cave. If there's anything else I missed, I don't care to go back now, just really want to have my airship.