Oh, they separated the ports out from rhe arcade version.
The SNES version is a genuinely impressive port completely fucked by whatever issue caused that two year delay before each round started.
It has Sagat, and I play Sagat, so still got some worth to it.

Reviewed on Aug 17, 2023


8 months ago

Jesus, I thought I was going insane when the screen froze up in between rounds. What other Alpha 2 port would you recommend over the SNES version?

8 months ago

Arguably the best port is the Ps2 version on Street Fighter Alpha Anthology, and it's the most expanded upon with the Gold version on there. I've got a soft spot for the old Saturn port, mind, which has very few compromises for a release at that time.
The current standard is probably the 30th anniversary collection, though. Arcade perfect port whose only flaw is a tiny bit of input lag, by sheer virtue of modern televisions. Any of these three and you can't go wrong, though!