Even on launch this game is miles better than both splatoon 1 and final patch splatoon 2.

They have honestly perfected the formula by adding some of the most unique and creative specials to date like zipcaster and ink vac, improving the map design after the absolute dumpster fire that was splatoon 2 maps, and creating a genuinely great campaign. They also improved upon Salmon Run by adding more specials, more bosses, and more maps. The new weapons are really fun too play, and old weapons feel incredibly fresh with new kits that complement them much better than they did in splatoon 2.

Everything I could've hoped for is here, and with balance patches and new weapons and maps being added along with lots of other bits of new content it can only go up from here. I can confidently say this is my new favorite shooter ever made.

Reviewed on Sep 25, 2022
