7 reviews liked by May_caruci

Where it Shines:
MEGAKILL - 10/10
RAMPAGE - 10/10
GODLIKE - 10/10

The Good:

This game is the most fun I've ever had playing an FPS, and I grew up with Quake, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Timesplitters, etc. It's aged incredibly well, still has servers online, and full bot support if you just want to solo. The campaign has so many modes that are so fun to play to this day. The weapons are satisfying to use and the pure joy of just hearing your kill streak shouted at you by the announcer is just *chef's kiss.

The Bad:

I honestly can't complain about this game at all. Is it flawless? No, probably not, but I feel like I can't really give it a perfect score still as there is room for improvement.


You can keep your Halos and CODs and Forknife and whatever else the heck you want to play - UT is just the greatest multiplayer FPS every made, purely for how fun and unrealistic it is. Highly recommend even today.

note on my ratings:
half ⭐: hot trash garbage
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite
half star ratings between those mean it's slightly better or worse than stated in this list.

This is the fastest way to learn taunts, if you're pissed off and you headshot a guy on CTF, you'll say "Die, bitch!", or if you want to literally frag anyone, then "Anyone wants some?" is the perfect one, and yeah, we can't forget the iconic announcer, is satisfying to hear that "ultra-kill!"

I swear to god dude, every nu metal song I listen to from the 2000s can fit this game's soundtrack like a fine cake, I'm really glad that you can replace the in-game soundtrack with other alternatives, and still they fit like hell, like Just So You Know by American Head Charge for example, proof that this game's ambience is unmatched

Un buen juego, pero que con respecto a Legend fue un paso atrás. Eso sí, visualmente era un verdadero prodigio incluso para su época.

In 2005 Capcom released two of the best survival horror gameplay experiences, but sadly only RE4 got the attention it deserved... This was a constant thrill. Its expansive interconnected castle still looks amazing and somehow has zero load times on PS2, meaning the stalkers can follow you room to room basically anywhere and you have to learn how to lose them. You can hide in designated spots like wardrobes or under beds, but also just in the shadows, behind doors.. Eventually your pursuers will learn how you're tricking them. Something this ambitious, with an AI dog partner no less, could have been a disaster but the mechanics are really functional. It just doesn't hold your hand at all. I can see why it probably won't get rereleased today due to its themes (and the most disturbing game over screens ever) but it's something more people should try out... on PCSX2. I'm lucky to have a copy

Another of my childhood sports games, my pick was always the yankees lmfao