Why does sometimes it plays gay sound clips when you die and sometimes it doesn't

Near Perfect Fighting game

Amazing Cast of Characters Rock Is literally the fucking coolest character SNK has ever made and Terry Has his Best Design and the fucking coolest Super ever made And Freeman and Grant are So fucking Cool

Amazing Music Spread the wings,Sunrise on the train,All Over With Blood,Fullmoon ~ Heartfull are my favs from the OST

Beautiful Visuals Rock's animation is a work of art with the Follow through animation with his Jacket the Stages look Phenomenal and Terry got his best sprite He has ever gotten everybody else also looks Great

The Gameplay is Amazing The TOP system is really fun to mess around with i don't really have anything to say about the gameplay other then its really fun and also Why the fuck is Rock and Freeman Low tier

In conclusion Garou is SNK's masterpiece Probably the best FG they have ever made with Superb Visuals,Amazing gameplay,Great Music with an amazing cast of characters.

"A Thinking Man's Masterpiece"

fun game Music is great visuals are nice Cool gameplay But a little Basic And Chesto is kino af

Art Style is fucking amazing and it looks so fucking good on PC game is fun Playing as Venom is actual Kino and The story is pretty damn good overall best spiderman game ever made

Its Good but Not my Kind of Good,Kinda hard to play a fg with characters that you hate But Eh,Might Give this game another chance if its gets a PC port

It Has Rock howard and Garou Terry Swag is unreal


Muck is an adventure i'll never Forget.

14 thousand people died from this

Greatest Fighting game ever made

Meh Gameplay it just borderlines to "just use your Super and mash lmfao" still fun tho,Visuals are pretty cool,Who the fuck was going to find out how to unlock Faiz Blasters ,Music makes me wish it was actually in the show Good bad game i like it.