I started playing this on a whim after I decided to take a lengthy break from anything regarding games and stories, which spanned over many months due to being overly busy in day to day life activities, but it's safe to say that Lobotomy Corporation was surely a surprising game to return to. That being said, it was also quite a difficult game to proceed through gameplay wise. The gameplay itself which is the management system it works around is pretty simple for the first few days due to the income of simple abnormalities at first. It does a good job of guiding you through the basics of how the gameplay works and which ability works best for the abnormalities you are constantly trying to contain, but that also ties into why the gameplay can be reaaally frustrating at times. You're basically always having to keep track of which employee is best to deal with the abnormality you're working on, with the consequences being that your employees are always at risk of panicking/dying, or the abnormality in question breaches which can easily end in a game over in the later days of the game.

Despite that, I really enjoyed the little intricacies each and every abnormality had to offer, plus it has a lot of ways to motivate you to push through the game despite it's insufferable difficulty. What's really unique about the gameplay though, is how it ties into it's story. You're faced constantly with grueling tasks within the many days of tying together specific protocols in order to deal with the many threats that plague the company you're in charge of, almost being repetitive in way. But despite it's unforgiving cruelties it brings, the satisfaction it gives you during the last few days makes the hardships, stress, and overall struggles totally worth it. Through the many colleagues that you encounter throughout the game, you begin to learn more and more about the bigger picture that LoboCorp paints on the narrative, and in face of everything the game throws at you, you slowly begin to understand that you must always keep marching onward without looking back. But yeah, that's all I wanted to say about this game. Very glad I decided to play it after a long time of promising myself to play it sooner or later, and I'm pretty amped to see how this ties into it's sequel. Not sure if I'd recommend it to everyone, but it has so much to offer if you do give it a shot.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2023
