I'm writing this review while I'm in my Astronomy class lmaooo.

Anyway, this was the very first Mario game I played and I'm just going to say what has been repeated ever since it came out: this game is simply magical.
While I knew of Mario 64 and Sunshine as big leaps for the series, I'd argue that none of them were as legendary as Super Mario Galaxy. It cannot be understated how massive the scope and scale is in Galaxy because I mean, come on; IT'S A UNIVERSE-SPANNING ADVENTURE.
While the story is, well, the usual Mario affair, the gameplay, the beautiful art direction, and the galaxies you visit make up for it. The nonstructural level design in any other game would be seen as questionable (i.e. Bubsy 3D), but Galaxy uses it to perfection. And for a Wii game, it's still one of the most beautiful-looking games on the system.
Although, one thing that I think Super Mario Galaxy does really well that I'm thankfully not alone in is the balance between feeling adventurous as you explore the many different galaxies with the unshakeable fact that you are alone in the vast, infinite space of the Universe. I know it's a really weird thing to comment on, but given how colorful and fun this game is, the quiet nature of space is displayed beautifully.

In conclusion, even if you're not a Mario fan, a Nintendo fan, or an avid gamer, you owe it to yourself to play this game. It's undoubtedly one of the best.

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2024
