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1 day

Last played

June 26, 2023

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Yeah, I'm a basic bitch that likes Ubisoft games. I replayed this because it's free on PS+ and I just replayed the first game recently so I could make a more even comparison between them.
Overall, it's a major improvement in almost every way. The gameplay and driving are vastly improved (although the skill tree unlocks are very lacklustre compared to the original's), Marcus is a way more likeable and relatable protagonist than Aiden, and the story is just more fun and wacky, with a lot more variety in its open world gameplay loops and hacking puzzles. I had a hell of a lot of fun revisiting it.
I do think it has flaws, such as a lack of memorable bad guys compared to the original game (and no Jordi), but overall I had a great time going through this again. Absolute banger.

Time to jump into Legion, which I hear is pretty shit, but I haven't touched or looked into it at all yet.