The Among Us experience varies greatly depending on who you play it with. In my opinion this game can get pretty tiring if played too often and it's best to spread the sessions out.

Also don't ever join random public lobbies those are borderline unplayable most of the time lmao

This might sound petty but my friends forced me pull an all-nighter once to beat this game with them and due to that miserable experience alone I cannot view this game in a good light anymore. That was the last time I played it (About 5 or 6 years ago) and I have no desire to play it again after that. Before that incident though I remember liking it a fair bit.


Not a huge crash fan so this game was weird to me with all the die-o-ramas and stuff. After an hour or two it wore off and I got bored because the actual racing wasn't all that exciting to me

I have to be at an extreme level of boredom to resort to playing this. It's kinda fun for a few minutes I guess

This is one of those games I know I played and enjoyed but since my brain was completely turned off I barely even remember it, so it was probably alright I think???

I had this game for years and would joke about it being the greatest game ever made despite never playing it.

The other month I played it just to actually see what it was like.

I don't think I can even joke about this game being good anymore.... my god.....

A Mario/Sonic crossover was 7 year old me's dream game, so the fact that I wasn't enthusiastic about this game at all and never really cared to play it much says a lot.

Just another wiimote gimmick minigame-fest that the family plays for one day only for it to sit on a shelf for the next 15 years, forgotten and unloved. What a sad sad fate

For the longest time I didn't understand why I liked this game more than most of the mainline ones but now I think I do. Normally in Pokemon games I end up with an overwhelming amount of Pokemon that I'm never going to do anything with because I just have too many, but in this game that's not really an issue. I guess it's kind of a quality over quantity thing, with the limited pool of Pokemon it gives each one a lot more value, which means I do a lot more with them. I spend time training every Pokemon, always making different teams to use and such, and thanks to Colosseum battles and stuff it's actually really enjoyable to me. Every trainer being rematchable just by revisiting an area is super nice (Hexagon Brothers my beloved), and it makes it WAY easier than the mainline Gen 3 games to train especially at higher levels. All the battles being double is another huge positive for me, I've always found them to be a lot more fun than single battles. This game was just kinda tailor made for me I guess, we won't ever get something like this again and understandably so, but man it just clicks with me so perfectly

I always shill this game to my friends as a joke but this is genuinely one of my favorite racing games. It has so many qualities that keep it from getting stale, all the unlockable gear, different paths, and ESPECIALLY mission mode. Mission mode is just perfect for me because trying the same thing over and over again to get it perfect is something my brain is wired to do, it's probably what I spend most of my time on. Oh yeah this game's style is just really dope, hoverboards are cool af this game rocks