The death sentence of what was shaping to be one of the coolest racing game series ever, a complete disgrace and an utter shame things ended up this way.

I often wonder how this game would be on proper controls, it's so hard to tell because the kinect was so awful that I can't even remember any other aspect of this game and I sure as hell won't be coming back to it for that reason. Personally I believe it should have a chance to be played on controller but I seriously doubt they'll ever touch this game again and I don't blame em


Cocomelon for kids who just barely grew out of Cocomelon

I had this game for years and would joke about it being the greatest game ever made despite never playing it.

The other month I played it just to actually see what it was like.

I don't think I can even joke about this game being good anymore.... my god.....

I always shill this game to my friends as a joke but this is genuinely one of my favorite racing games. It has so many qualities that keep it from getting stale, all the unlockable gear, different paths, and ESPECIALLY mission mode. Mission mode is just perfect for me because trying the same thing over and over again to get it perfect is something my brain is wired to do, it's probably what I spend most of my time on. Oh yeah this game's style is just really dope, hoverboards are cool af this game rocks


I genuinely have no memory of playing this game

I found this game half buried in dirt in a park one day, so I took it home with me not knowing anything about it. Later that week I tried it after eating breakfast and next thing I knew it was dinner time and I had been playing for 10 hours straight, already caught up with the previous owner's save. Needless to say I absolutely love this game and I feel so lucky to have found it that day.

Justice for the songs that got awful covers, but other than that it really didn't need to exist.

I rarely can get into NES games the way I did with this one. Really neat puzzle game that actually got pretty challenging at times

I remember asking a friend if I'm at the halfway point of the story yet only to be told I'm almost at the end of the game, I was surprised because it didn't feel like a whole lot really happened. Definitely the weakest Tales game I've played so far in about every way, I liked some of the characters and didn't exactly hate playing through it but there's definitely far better games in this series that are more worth playing.

A Mario/Sonic crossover was 7 year old me's dream game, so the fact that I wasn't enthusiastic about this game at all and never really cared to play it much says a lot.

Just another wiimote gimmick minigame-fest that the family plays for one day only for it to sit on a shelf for the next 15 years, forgotten and unloved. What a sad sad fate

Summer of 2013 was spent playing this game daily with friends on Xbox Live without a care in the world, good times that I can never experience the same way again. Because of that I'm not too sure how I can properly rate this game, I still like it though

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That sure was One Wicked Cricket

First time playthrough of this game is ROUGH, shoutout to Wonderland and Deep Jungle for making me wander around aimlessly for literal hours. Also the boss fights were uh, not very fun for the most part. I think I'll end up liking this game more if I played it again.

I aint even gonna bother talking about the story lol