Gunbird 1994

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 16, 2024

Platforms Played


I'm not a big shmup guy, but this game was an enjoyable experience. It's not terribly long by itself, but to reach the ending you have to essentially beat the game twice, the second time around being a lot harder.

I've gotten used to arcade games being rather stingy with resources so it was a pleasant surprise to see this game hand you out upgrades and bombs like candy. This happens even when you die so getting back up to speed is no trouble at all. While the levels are rather bullet hell-y, I never felt too overwhelmed or bullshitted until the end of the latter half. At least bosses aren't too heavy with projectiles. Some bosses even made themselves rather easy with their directional attacks.

The little story there was I found a bit bland and was saved by the characters and the humor they brought. I find the whole game a little anticlimactic, like the story was only an afterthought. In the end it's not like I play shmups for their story so no big deal at all.

It's a decent game, though it turns into bit of a quarter burner during the latter half.