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2 days

Last played

March 30, 2024

First played

March 23, 2024

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Pretty much an upgraded experience to the first one, though I played the psp versions of both the first game and this one, so not much had changed mechanically. If you've played the first game, this is pretty much the same gameplay-wise, battles go pretty much by mashing X (outside of couple selected boss fights of course) and you can pretty much annihilate the game's challenge with the right skills, menu no jutsu and savescumming. Casually you probably won't even need those, but there are some late- and postgame content that seems to require some cheesing and guides to even find them.

Visually, this game is just as beautiful as the first one, maybe even more. The interiors seem to be 3D-renders and while it helps your pixelart-character to pop out in the scene, it makes actually navigating and interacting with the environment taxing. The pixelart itself is really well done and the little animations are cute, kinda reminiscent of jrpgs on SNES (gee, almost like they had the experience or something). There is also some FMVs and character art done by animation studio. These were a nice little touch, though the cutscenes were reserved for only major moments and showed only the main characters. I don't blame them, animation can get quite expensive.

I found the soundtrack to be tad underwhelming compared to the first game. I can still remember some of the songs from the first one, but hardly any of the songs here made an impact. I don't want to say that it was bad, the soundtrack definitely served it's purpose. There just isn't any songs that stood out or made me return to listen them again.

Then there is the story. This is probably the biggest upgrade to the first game I noticed. The main character in the first game was bland by design, someone the player could project themselves onto and relate with. The second game took a wildly different route and made two playable protagonists with their own stories and personalities. They are actual full-fledged characters with their own goals, dreams and weaknesses beyond just saving the world from evil. It's a bold choice and pays off somewhat, I really like Rena and her story whereas I find Claude rather irritating. I get it, he's supposed to be stupid teenager and have all this pressure and grow during the story, but he can get really insecure and insufferable. The side characters also shine well, some more than others. In the end I can't think of single boring side character who didn't have something interesting going on for them and I could enjoy myself with the story. Despite the name "Star Ocean", this game also continues the good tradition of the first game of introducing us to a scifi setting and then putting us in the middle of a medieval fantasy. I'm not saying you can't do medieval fantasy well, you just might feel rather fooled if you think you're going to play a scifi-rpg.

I can recommend this game if you like jrpgs. It got a bit more involved battle system than just turned-based and the story is great. It's not without it's shortcomings, but if you played and liked the first game, you're most likely going to love this one.