Back in the early days of PC gaming, and I mean the EARLY days, Sierra were some of the reigning kings of the platform with their various point-and-click adventure games, such as King's Quest, Space Quest, Gabriel Knight and Police Quest. However, out of all of their franchises, I am most familiar and a fan of the Leisure Suit Larry games, because I am just a few steps away from being a true degenerate in life.

Either way, I am an overall fan of the series, but for the first (true) game in the entire series, Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards is... dated. VERY dated. Sure, it has its qualities, and it's still a good game, but it has aged significantly against other games that would come after, even ones derived from this single entry.

The story is simple: find love, which works this time for a first entry in the series, the graphics are really primitive, especially compared to what else was out at the time, but there is a somewhat old-ish charm to them, the music is practically nonexistent, but when there is music playing, it is passable, the control (and by that, I mean just clicking around) is fine, except for the points where you get stuck on some random shit a lot, but it isn't too much of a problem, the humor present throughout the game is pretty funny (at least to me), and the gameplay is... where a lot of people will probably fall off on this game.

This is back in the era of point-and-clicks where, instead of having multiple icons detailing what you can do to interact with something, you had to type out all the commands yourself, which leads to a LOT of experimenting if you aren't using a guide. Not just on what you are supposed to be doing next, but also making sure to word your commands specifically enough to where the game will do what you want to do.

Again, I imagine this is where a lot of people would drop the game depending on their tolerance of this kind of gameplay, and as for myself, I didn't really mind it that much, but Christ, it does remind me of what we have now rather then what we used to have.

Aside from that though, the only other problem I would say this game has is that it is a guide game, and it is a game themed around sex made in the year 1987. I imagine a lot of it could be considered dated and possibly offensive nowadays. Doesn't effect me that much, cause I have lost all ability to care about anything, but just a fair warning for those of you who do care.

Overall, it is a pretty good start to the series, and it does have some nostalgia value, but honestly, you would just be better off playing one of the remakes that were made for the game instead.

Game #32

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2023
