I mean... it's wrestling. Do you like wrestling? Wrestling seems alright, but it's also kind of a dick. He was the next in line for questioning to find out who really murdered my father, after Volleyball turned out to be a dead end. This time, Motorcross decided to tag along with Soccer and I, as he was a pretty big fan of not just Wrestling, but also wrestling, so we happily let him tag along as well.

Once we got there, we found Wrestling training for something, presumably a cricket match, and we interrupted him to interrogate him about where he was on the night of my dad's murder. He refused to tell us anything, because according to him, "he didn't feel like it", and no matter what we said, we wouldn't be able to convince him.

However, then Motorcross challenged him to a wrestling match, and if he lost, he would have to give us the info we requested, and so, after some reluctance, he agreed. The match then ensued, and I learned then that, surprisingly, Motorcross was actually a pretty good wrestler. Apparently he practiced it in his spare time while he wasn't doing motorcross, so that is pretty cool.

As you would expect, Motorcross ended up winning the match, and as he agreed on, Wrestling told us about where he was that night, and it turns out he was also nowhere near the crime scene. This trail keeps getting colder and colder! At least... that's what I thought.

He said he did have an idea about who the culprit could possibly be, which was good enough for me at this point. So, with the new info we now possessed, we now venture forth to interrogate our next suspect.

Game #99

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2023
