I mean... it's pinball. Do you like pinball? Pinball is pretty fucking cool. I first met Pinball some time after Soccer and I caught Golf and had him arrested for murdering my dad. At this point, a month had gone by since that arrest, but I still hadn't quite recovered from the events that occurred. It's not just something you can comfortably walk away from, y'know.

Tennis took notice of the fact that I hadn't really been doing so well ever since the ordeal, so he recommended that I go see Pinball, as he was one of the most highly praised therapists in town, and from what I have heard, his methods have worked wonders. I wasn't much for therapy, but I decided it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot anyway.

And I'm glad I did. Not only was Pinball extremely nice, but he was able to help me in recovering at a much quicker rate that I was expecting. It didn't take too many therapy sessions to do so either, which was surprising to say the least, at least from what I have heard. At the end of my last therapy session, Pinball did suggest one thing that I should definitely do: take a vacation. I had been so stressed out not just from my dad's death, but just from life in general, that he thought it would be beneficial if I just got away from it all for a bit, and just went and had some fun for a bit.

I decided to take his advice and do just that. It had been a long time since I have taken a proper vacation, so this is just what I need to get myself back in good spirits. So, I will soon set out on that vacation, and hopefully come back a changed man.

Game #150

Reviewed on May 09, 2023

1 Comment

These review sagas are my new Kingdom Hearts.