I mean... it's skiing. Do you like skiing? Skiing is pretty relaxing. He was an individual I met when I decided to take a vacation from everything thanks to Pinball's advice. I decided to head up to, well, a ski resort, and he was one of the heads of said ski resort.

He took his job pretty seriously, making sure that every one of the guests had a great time, nobody got hurt, all the equipment was safe and up to date, and believe it or not, he also pays his employees well! That is something I never thought I would see too often. Either way, we didn't really interact that much, but with the few times I did interact with him, he seemed like a swell guy.

I went ahead and decided to stay up near this ski resort for about a month, just to really let every bad feeling and negative memory flow from my body. And, to my credit, it worked wonders. Since I didn't have to focus on real life responsibilities, and since I was away from all of the struggles of my home town, I slowly came to terms with my father dying, as well as just overall gaining a sense of peace that I hadn't had before.

By the time I decided to return home, I felt pretty good about myself, and was ready to take on what lies ahead of me upon my return. Although, on my way home, I looked at my phone and noticed quite a good number of phone calls from Tennis and Baseball, all in good succession. It all happened in the span of one day, but this was a few days ago, and I just happened to not notice. Not sure what that could've been about, but if they haven't called again after that, the problem must've resolved itself. We'll see once I actually arrive back home.

Game #168

Reviewed on May 15, 2023
