96 Reviews liked by MeguminBlast

A cautionary tale about sharing baths with your friends

The idea to have a monster evolve alongside you in a metroidvania is neat, but this is hardly a metroidvania. More a series of interconnected hallways that you are strongly railroaded along. Combo system provides some fun, but I wanted it to be over for a long time before I was done with it.

This game (more specifically DDS:MT 1) is just poorly aged in so many ways and I think it's better off not being touched. You'd be wasting your time playing this game, it's so fucking unbalanced and not fun at all. If you want a better 1st person dungeon crawling megaten then just go play Shin Megami Tensei 1. It does everything that DDS:MT does but better.

fucked up that wolfquest was my first exposure to any dating sim

Absolutely GOATed soundtrack, as with most VNs. Saya's a pretty iconic nitroplus character. An unforgettable reading Experience, highly recommend it.

I want to stick paimon in a blender