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played on Retroarch

Yet another entry in my Sonic marathon, and one that before playing I heard numerous negative reviews consider this one among some of the worst Sonic games ever made. After playing for myself...I don't really understand the hate? I mean it's not great, but it's not bad either, just pretty mid.

To get the negatives out the way, 3-3 is a bit annoying with how to get the last key, the 2nd and 3rd boss can be a bit annoying with the spindash but nothing that would make me hate it, and the way to get the 6th emerald is pretty dumb. That's really about it for negatives.

Otherwise it's a mid puzzle game. Yeah, the spindash can be a bit to get used to, but I got used to it pretty quickly and outside of the two bosses I mentioned being a bit annoying I didn't have much problem with the physics or anything, especially since you can stop Sonic from bouncing all over and also set how hard you want him to accel. Outside of the one time in 3-3, I was able to find all the keys pretty easily with some searching around with 4-3 being the hardest cause the maze but even still I didn't need to look it up.

If anything the problem with the game is just that it doesn't really take advantage of the more puzzle spinoff focus of things. I could see potential in a Sonic style puzzle game where you can't necessarily rely on your speed to get you through things, it's just that the game doesn't really take advantage of that and is pretty easy to clear stages without nearly running the clock out. It's super short too, I beat it in pretty much an hour of playing in one sitting, probably less if I didn't ever tab out or anything,

So yeah, don't really get why this is so hated? As I said it does have it's problems, but nothing that made it unbearable to play through, plus it doesn't overstay it's welcome, if anything it finishes way before reaching a point of settling down. It was nowhere near the likes of something like Sonic Spinball or Knuckles' Chaotix in where I just wanted to drop the game as I played. Just a mid Sonic game that's neither great nor bad.