Really solid game! Nothing too innovative in terms of platforming mechanics, but what is there is explored pretty well.

Most of the puzzles are based on figuring out where to go instead of execution, which helps for possible lag that you might have when playing this over the internet. That doesn't change the fact that those lag-dependent puzzles are there though, and it really spoils the experience sometimes.

Most of them are secret levels, but despite the lag issues I think those are handled pretty well! Self contained chambers with not too much going on so you can really delve into the physics (gets wonky for some of them though).

One thing I don't really like are the enemies. Sometimes it feels like they're just there to fill screen space, and the puzzles where they're an integral part of it suck a bit (the very last puzzle). It's manageable for most of the game as they start out just following a set path, but later levels have them follow the players and the unpredictability of their targeting AI makes it more of a gamble attempt than a strategy.

The visuals are a mixed bag. Some of them are too minimalist for my liking, but when they go all out with the different patterns and colors it becomes really nice to look at (and doesn't make platforming harder at all). I'm kinda sad they abandoned the factory concept they introduced mid game, I feel like that would be worth elaborating into the final level instead of just having the final challenge be... a thing.

The music was kind of a mixed bag too; I wouldn't say there's any bad tracks, but a lot of them are very unmemorable. Some of them get creepy and others melancholic, and when they're a hit they usually go with the visuals very well.

Overall a nice experience, but a flawed one.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2022
