For me, Sky FC is "the JRPG of all time" other than the final boss and literal last 10 minutes of the game. This is partially due to it being a "setup game," (of which I've played next to none, but have seen this often done in visual novels, and it's infinitely worse with an actual videogame due to gameplay losing tension) and as such is automatically an underwhelming part of the story. The combat system is probs my fav JRPG one from what I've played here and the 2 hours I played years back in Cold Steel I, especially later on when both you and enemies can cancel Arts (spell) casting before the attack is delivered, very strategic. The gameplay is fun, the worldbuilding is already good and this is just the first game in the series, true, and the music is good (though a popular JRPG having good music is a given), and it certainly has... soul, but it just felt like an okay experience most of the time for me. It was episodic for most of its story with okay characters and okay plot and okay pacing until it got better near the end. Although it's strange how the overwhelming majority of FC's thematic value is from that last part alone, and before that it feels more focused on worldbuilding and slice-of-life or something? The low points were Tita, Dorothy and Olivier (when he's a walking trope and/or stereotype) being annoying, as well as the stealth missions. I didn't care for the romance either.

I was feeling a little burnt out in the penultimate dungeon, too, which isn't a good sign when it's the first game in the 500+ hour series known for the "trust me bro, it gets peak" effect, with a coin toss on whether a specific player will like a particular game/arc. Additionally, it already feels bloated (it feels like I got 10 hours' worth of actual content out of my ~30 hour playthrough with how one-note some things, especially characters, were), so that's concerning.

In any case, the trailer for SC near the end looked very hype, so I'm excited to play that sometime this year.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024


4 months ago

SC sorta fixes things you didn't like about FC, though it has its own glaring issues.

4 months ago

@Snegurochka yeah i'll definitely play SC, it's just that it's way longer and I don't feel like it just yet rn

4 months ago

way longer because it pads the fuck outta itself

4 months ago

😭 wow what a wonderful series

all jokes aside hopefully i'll like SC and 3rd way more and disagree with you on this

4 months ago

lol yeah have fun

4 months ago

Yeah, I don't think you're going to like SC that much either. If those are your main complaints about the game, they're not going to get that much better in SC. I still think you should play it just to see if for yourself though. It's interesting how some of the things you complain about here are some of my favourite things about this game in general. I just like how chill and relaxing this game was, It was just fun hanging around even if nothing major was happening in the storyline. With that said, I'm not the best person to get opinions about it when it comes to this series, since I'm one of the minorities that likes FC just as much as the other games. I sincerely hope that I'm wrong and you somehow end up liking the SC more.

Also, you're right about the dungeon being overwhelming, I remember using a quartz that made the enemies ignore me just to get through them, otherwise It was getting a bit too much for my tastes as well.

4 months ago

@Orion 2.5/5 or 5/10 is my average, 3/5 is a positive score. I do like the game, I just like to use the entire number rating scale.

I do like me my SoL, it just depends on execution. I know a person who has FC at a 3/5 and SC at a 4.5 or 5 out of 5 or something. There is hope

4 months ago

also it's worth continuing for the combat and music alone, it's my fav JRPG combat

4 months ago

3/5 is a positive score for me as well. As I said I'm not the best person to discuss this entry since I seem to be in the minority with my own opinion, but yeah a lot of my friends who have FC at 3.5 or 4.0 usually give much higher scores to SC, and that's given since it's a much better game overall.

Combat is one of the highlights of the series for me as well, and it only gets better as they add more stuff in each game.