This game is FUCKING CRAZY. I was skeptical over whether they'd top Sky the 3rd yet they somehow did.

I don't know how they did it, they somehow made three back-to-back 5-star, 10/10 games. This has NEVER happened to me in another series, even my favourites.

It's extremely emotional, the artstyle is awesome, it's fun to play (the small gameplay additions compared to Zero are appreciated), the characters are all awesome, they throw so many twists at you, the likes of which I haven't been this affected by since finishing my top 10 favourites across all media, that you can't help but binge. The backtracking is some of the least tedious in the entire genre from what I've seen. This is one of the closest things I've seen to perfection, from concept to execution, in my life. My only actual complaint is that the difficulty curve is kind of unreasonable in the last few fights of the game, but who cares, it was really hype.

And oh my GOD, the music... Trails already secured its place as #1 in terms of OST, beating Umineko, but this is on a whole other level. You have so many bangers, like the Azure Arbitrator or Mystic Core, but they're far from the only ones.

In terms of favourites, I'd place it around Utawarerumono 3. It's just that good.

I will be slowing down with my Trails binging and going through Cold Steel at a more leisurely pace so that I don't burn out but... wow, I'm definitely a fan.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2024


3 months ago

As expected of you, Kuon. I am watching you over Onkamiyamukai

3 months ago

Holy shit bro we both finished azure on the same day and i swear i saw your zero review like 3 days ago. did you not sleep when u played this lmfaoo? its peak tho so i cant blame you

3 months ago

@Utawarerumono wtf it's the actual Utawarerumono commenting on my profile
@TrueGameist_ yeah Crossbell is crack, glad you loved it too. I see we have a lot of similar favs lol

3 months ago

@Kuon I Deadass had Utawarerumono in my favs and then azure just replaced it… I still love Uta a lot but Azure hit different

3 months ago

@TrueGameist_ theyre both goated

3 months ago

I like Sky 3rd more but overall yeah Azure is more consistent. Only flaw are the villains imo

3 months ago

@Mickey both goated fr