the whole Of The Killer series is brilliant - by a small team, including thecatamites of 10 beautiful postcards/space funeral.

Each episode captures the feeling of some aspect of living in the 21st century amidst strange social systems..

corporate call centers, family-focused exercise gymnasiums, century-old apartment buildings. the protagonist is witty, associated with the arts, maybe a bit jaded, but her personality helps make sense of all the wild nonsense of the world around her, as she runs away from each episode's goofy slasher-film murderer.

Each episode tells a short story through a novel narrative system where the text just stays on the screen and changes as you move near different parts, the effect is like a more efficient method of what those AAA games love to do with characters talking as you walk around.

except in the Of The Killer games it works better than the expensive fancy route because text appears near certain spots, it doesn't stop the game, and you can always walk back to see the text again. So you get this feeling of a '3D comic', and it works so well with the moving objects, sound design, 3D level design, etc.

As a game designer it's particularly tricky to try to portray any aspect of the present day without just resorting to what feels ultimately like primarily text, or kind of strange metaphors like having you smack your way through an american jrpg suburb with a baseball bat. not that there's an issue with those, but Of The Killer feels a lot more 'direct' in how it chooses to represent reality as a game. When commenting on the weirdness of museums, you're literally in a weird museum. When commenting on the kind of frightening, deep nature of your old building having layers of history and old stuff - you're in a labyrinthine-esque apartment floor that sounds and feels visually stuffy/moldy. and so on! i could say more but i'm tired

trust me on this and play through all 8 in the series! probably takes you 3-4 hours tops. i'm only on the 7th but they keep getting better

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2023
