
Finally finished this! It's a 2D platform exploration game where you'll use a wide variety of tools in a sandbox-like manner to seek out other items (to help you uncover more secrets). The most 'straightforward' goal is to defeat 4 bosses to reach the final boss, but there's an entire storyline (and arguably the focus of the game) revolving around learning about the characters who made the game. The platforming game itself is fun - it's a lot more playful with platformer conventions than say the standard metroidvania. The main movement technique is "Lime", which lets you ignore gravity but preserving your momentum. It comes into play in a wide variety of ways and was fun to learn the nuances of its movement.

I could list out the other fun platforming mechanics but it's fun to puzzle the uses out yourself. I like this space of platformer where there are sandbox elements, but there's still enough of a designer's hand that you're getting a sense for the designer's tastes and world designs.

Anyways, the story - I didn't know it had a story at first but you end up unraveling a story of the 5 developers (in the same school club) who made the game together. It's both a literal 'behind the scenes' dev commentary, but it goes a step further and turns it into a slice of life/romance story, and ties the world together in a nice way.

Check it out!

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2023
