Pretty remarkable battle system. I think it could be balanced/more interesting but not sure how. Maybe riku's mode will be more interesting?

Dungeons a bit repetitive, normal battles are boring, but the bosses can be interesting at times. Disney story is terrible (retreads of KH1, whose disney arcs were already... bad), but I enjoy the overarching Organization plot.

If I were to redesign this game I would scrap half of the disney dungeons, keep the weird ones, make their stories weirder instead of retreads, and focus more on bosses by reducing the dungeon sizes. Grinding for map cards to get through dungeons was...bad!

The game shines during boss battles, and that's where the interesting narrative meat is, too. I think the battle system could use two improvemets:

- Remove dodge roll
- Remove JUmp
- Replace L+R sleight input with B (or A, I forget, whichever was jump)

Dodge Roll and Jump are vestigial and ported over pointlessly from KH1. In CoM they only serve to muddy the already difficult battle system and make it easy to mess up execution, which makes boss battles borderline impossible. If the bosses were redesigned around you only being able to walk around, it'd be more interesting to play as you could reasonably move, shuffle cards, build sleights.

Still an overall interesting combat system. Wish more games were weird like this!

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2022
