4 reviews liked by Meme_Lady_69

Like most people, I only bought this game for its art style. It goes without saying that the art style is absolute eye candy, that and its soundtrack is nothing less than fantastic. But I wouldn’t give it 5 stars if those were the only 2 things I loved about it. The gameplay is fast paced and fantastic, being incredibly challenging but not unfair. My first play through was one hell of a challenge, but it never felt like the game was cheating, I always knew where I screwed up and could go change it for my next attempt. The game also has a lot of variety with its weapons and charms. You can mix and match to whatever combination you like, it’s very fun to see what combinations you can come up with, and the DLC only made the game even better. The astral cookie allows you to play as Ms. Chalice and I’m gonna be honest, she controls even better than Cuphead/Mugman, with the ability to parry when dashing, or the double jump, or the extra hit point. Cuphead is a masterpiece of game design and I absolutely adore it.

I’m never going to play this game ever in my life, but Jesus Fucking Christ that’s no excuse to dox the creator, holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you