Alright, got a suggestion on my Ikari Warriors review again to try yet another Puzzle Fighter, so to preface this, this is strictly a review on PUZZLE KOMBAT, not the UMK part of the game (though I am quite sure my opinions would probably be something along the lines of: "an ok adaptation of umk but the ds is not built for fighting games like home consoles are").

So, take Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, remove the cute chibi charm and iconic music, fill it in with weird uggofied funko pop versions of the fighters, and what are you left with?
Well, an incredibly mediocre puzzle fighter. So, what, a 2 star game? Could be worse, right?
No, it gets worse.

Colorblindness Rating: F-
It's IMPRESSIVE how they made it worse than Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo. So now not only do I get to confuse yellow and green, but also red AND green! How do you fuck that up!? Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo is at least on the GBA, so I understand hardware constrictions might've made it hard to implement some form of colorblind option, but this is on the DS! Now that's just inexcusable.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
