Log Status






Time Played

35h 38m

Days in Journal

13 days

Last played

February 8, 2022

First played

December 1, 2021

Platforms Played


Clubhouse Games is kind of a mixed bag, especially when you've got other versions of Uno and Ludo, but there should be enough casual games to wheel this out every other session with your friends. I call it shelved at the moment, because I won't start playing the Mahjong type games and have played my share of most the interesting ones. If it's back in the cartridge slot, it will probably stay a while again.

This compilation worked like trying some games in the beginning and stick with the most fun. We actually like Darts more than Bowling, but prefer to pick Pool most of the time, as it's not having the physical requirements. Motion control worked better for Bowling on Wii, in my opinion, but I could figure out throwing 180's in darts swiftly. That sadly made it less a challenge and I wasn't hooked for that reason, too. Pool is stripped to the essentials like most games on here, but it works well enough to entertain some chatty rounds. I did not miss much, except it's not the real table.

We quite often played Ludo online, it's great for being just the game without any glitter and the virtual dice make it go much faster than the physical board game.

We also had a phase playing Othello which I learned to like from the Game Boy game back in the day. Checkers works, but was too simple. I couldn't find one amongst my friends to play chess with and it's too complicated from my wife's view, so based on my old Battle Chess skills from until around 1990, the computer was too hard as an opponent to start again. However, whilst the AI in Othello is challenging, I could manage to beat it and after some training the wife could also beat me once or twice, so she keeps going.

We also like to throw in a few rounds of Air Hockey, Connect Four, Mini Curling or Golf every once in a while, all fun little games to waste your time on for a few minutes more. It really adds up all together and soon two hours have passed. I guess that's somehow the concept of this compilation.

I don't like Blackjack and I spent years playing Hold em on Pokerstars, multiple tables at a time actually, so there's another section I didn't touch yet.

There's some games I didn't play as much as I thought. The falling object puzzle is ok, but it's made for just the few minutes. I've been playing Mastermind for ages back in the day and had a board game revival with my brother a few years back, before I downloaded an app version on my mobile more recently. But the game is there and it's a good chance I'll stick to it later.

That's how much the Clubhouse Games compilation has to offer. Like, I really never played much Solitaire, but one day I clicked on Klondike Solitaire and kept returning almost any day for a month straight. Sometimes 15 minutes at once, sometimes hours while listening Mostrich Mixtapes on Spotify. And that's already a lot more than I played all the backlogged sale items and freebies I never touched, just for one of the included 51 games!

That's the deal here, you get 51 games, most of them on their own maybe worth a buck or two on the eShop. Some of them you'll like, some of them you don't. But in this bundle, at least if you got it for a good price, you'll probably save money on the ones you like in that calculation and get all the other games on top. And if the Ubisoft servers crash too bad again, you also have a backup to play Uno with your friends. So what's to argue about?

This is not a system seller, but it's one of the casual must haves for any Switch collection. Despite you only need one cartridge to connect with your friends locally, who only need the demo, sales might have profited from Covid, as playing online, that requires the full version on all ends, is a most welcome option these days, when developers like the ones from Boomerang Fu sadly still miss out.

One thing I miss here is a good Pinball machine, one thing I still need for my Switch. And just like Clubhouse Games introduced me to Klondike Solitaire, it also raised the question if there's more Golf or Pool games to check out. Seems like it wasn't just plenty wasted hours, but as stripped the games might appear, actually fun and more to come with this compilation and maybe other games I wouldn't have looked for.

Clubhouse Games that way isn't that one AAA blockbuster ruling your life for a couple of days or weeks, but it's a compilation of some little fun games and some the pristine epitome of play, that will probably end up being booted every once in a while as long as I will have my Switch.