Holy sh*t The greatest zombie game ever made is this one. Permit me to act professionally. But I obviously love this game because I've finished it 100% on my PS4, 100% on my Xbox, and almost 100% on my PC. Dead Island, the worst zombie game ever created by Techland, was followed by the creation of the best zombie game. Not only did this game introduce an original and enjoyable gameplay loop that nobody could have predicted, but the storyline is flawless and the driving-themed DLC is flawless as well. My all-time favorite sonic voice actor, Roger Craig Smith, plays Kyle Crane, and he does a fantastic job conveying the real, unadulterated emotions of the character.

I 100% I completed this game, and yes, I realized that while gathering the collectibles is a bit annoying, exploring the world is surprisingly enjoyable and fulfilling. The storyline of the game is also excellent, though the ending seems a little tame and unfulfilling—perhaps because it leaves room for AC5? Regardless, it's still a great game, which I do recommend, though it's not my favorite AC in the series.

While playing this game as a kid, I enjoyed it, but finishing it all the way through was tedious. The only redeeming quality of this game is that it's enjoyable to play when you switch off your brain. The campaign is dull.  the combat feels very nice. Even though it is a little simple, Since its release, I have not played this game, and I have no desire to do so in the future. NEVER RECOMMEND

I'd like to begin my very first review by talking about my all-time favorite game. Playing this game from beginning to end is a constant thrill. I am still completing many insane-level runs even though I have nearly all of my characters maxed out. With friends, every game gets better, and this one is no exception. The story and controls are both straightforward. Some people might not like that, but when I have an hour to play, I don't want to spend it playing only challenging, serious games. Take my review with a grain of salt because I have a clear prejudice. Despite my bias from when I first played this game, it still captivates new players with its humorous, silly plot and enjoyable gameplay. The game's short gameplay and the lack of online players are other drawbacks. As a result, I have yet to engage in an online PVP game. making it difficult to complete every achievement. Due to the difficulty of completing every achievement and the similarity of boss and enemy fights, some players may find the game monotonous. However, because of the art style, each boss is distinct and entertaining, even in situations where the boss fights are straightforward.

My bias makes this game a 5, although most people will agree that it's a light 4.