So i finally finished this really awesome game and even after beating it I still think it’s one of the best first person shooters i’ve ever played.

you really have to lock in for this game and that’s because id developed a really smart and strategically angled gun play system. it’s as satisfying and visceral as you’d expect from DOOM, but it’s so much less about just emptying a magazine into every enemy you come across… in fact if you play it like that you will not have a good time. in order to play the game effectively you need to really pay attention and use the right guns in the right ways, and that goes for nearly everything you do. its got a great cause and effect/weakness exploitation thing going on. it’s a very clever way to get you to play the game right and make you really good at it too.

i think my biggest complaint with this game is that while it does make you feel amazing and powerful, it really holds certain weapons and mechanics back. like it lets you play as a revenant for like 5 minutes… and then never ever again. it gives you one of the coolest swords in gaming and then barely gives you any times to use it in regular combat other than the boss fight. and said boss fight just feels so lame and lazy because after a game of mastering extremely fulfilling and strategic gunplay it makes you do the exact thing I just praised it for NOT doing—unloading into a bullet sponge, with virtually no pushback. i really hate when games pose big enemies as a huge threat but then toss you astronomical amounts of pickups and just say “go shoot it”. it’s a DANG big shame because all the other bosses are really fun and the progression just makes you feel so powerful.

anyways. one bad apple doesn’t make the grove bad, and i still love DOOM eternal. i love the traversal and movement options, the upgrades actually mean something (most of the time) and it’s such a fun-focused game. i didn’t know how they would top DOOM 2016 but they did, and i cannot wait to see what ridiculous carnage they bring to Doom Dark ages

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2023
