Very cool game, haven't gotten sucked into a story this hard in a while. It's one of those games where almost everything you say about it is a spoiler so I'll do my best. It is an SUPER sci-fi story presented in a non-linearly via going through individual character POV's at your will, and plays kinda like a mix of visual novel and adventure ame. Inbetween you play rts-like gameplay segments where you control mechas against hordes of enemys.

The story is the main attraction of this game and it's worth the ride. The execution of the neat idea is really well done, the story has a million plotlines and connecting them all is really fun. I really like the cast of characters, there's a lot of kino as shit moments with great writing. If you don't mind being confused a lot (but hey, the confusion makes the reveals way more satisfying) you're in for a hell of ride.

Gameplays fine, unique, but also nothing outstanding. It's a cool idea, I cant think of anything like it. Played on normal and it was pretty easy all the way through. I wish the same generation mechs had more unqiue differences, as they all felt kinda the same with maybe one or two different skills and some passive effects. The UI also can be very hard to follow at times, with a million things on screen, missiles will be above the screen so its hard to tell where tf you're getting shot at, most of the damage i took was because I didnt realize my guy was in an area's attack, ect. But it not a big deal, I figured it all out and the gameplay segments were smooth sailing all around. also, most of the boss levels are fun.

Not surprising is that it's a Vanillaware game and it looks fantastic. If you like vanillaware games for the art direction you're not gonna be let down. I'd like to make a shoutout as well to the english dub, which is surprisingly great, everyone knocks it out of the park and really enhances some of the best scenes in the game.

TLDR: Really cool story that's executed perfectly, looks great, sounds great, but the main game, while being a unique idea, is just kinda alright. It's a surprisingly minor detractor here as you're mostly here for the story.
Highly recommended, you're in for a fun ride.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2021
