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I love the original Star Wars Battlefront games, including the two spin-offs that were released on PSP (especially Elite Squadron). Battlefront 1 had these beautiful maps and Battlefront 2 had way more features and way to play. Both were so great for so many reasons. So I was obviously going to be hyped for a fresh, modern way to play these games with friends.

... and now I'm extremely disappointed. My friends and I struggled to get into the same matches together, and once we were finally able to, it was a buggy mess as if we really were back in the mid-2000s. Battlefront 2 has a weird FPS lock online, control scheme is a bit messy, the game will just randomly crash, and you can't do campaigns and galactic assault with a friend online (only through splitscreen and remote-play together).

Nothing was really added to or improved upon with these titles. Sure, models and textures do look better for modern resolutions. Yes, there is proper lighting and an overall graphics quality increase. And of course we have the Xbox-exclusive DLC in Battlefront 2. But that's it. The multiplayer is dated and barely functional. Settings in general are VERY restricted. Some sound effects and tunes have also been completely replaced. This is just a massive letdown for a couple games that I have very fond memories of and still go back to on the PS2 and on Steam (2005 version of Battlefront 2).

I've refunded this game, and I urge everyone who wants a slice of nostalgia to pick up the original titles on Steam ($10/each) and mod them. I am so disappointed in Aspyr, especially after they just released a really solid remaster of the original Tomb Raider titles. Man, this is nothing like the simulations.