6 reviews liked by Miggle13

idk if i put botw on a pedestal in my head or what but i really wasn't feeling this, it very much is botw 2 which isn't even a bad thing, i loved playing botw but i got super bored of this after 30-ish hours

The coziest game in the world until you watch your entire battalion of lil guys get flattened like pancakes or swallowed up like a vacuum eating corn flakes. Pikmin is a ingeniously straightforward but surprisingly challenging spin on the RTS genre with a beautifully atmospheric bite sized world that will toast you and your little companions when you least expect it. Games likes this reiterate my love and admiration for the GameCube being my favourite library Nintendo has probably ever offered.

Imma go out and say this game is one of the more underrated titles. It has a pretty solid story and while not perfect its one of the few games in the series i played well beyond 100 hours. Replaying the game is dreadfully slow cannot i say i recommend starting over once finished.

I need to stop trusting reddit and 35 year old youtubers.