5 reviews liked by Mijac

Something's special about this one

one of the best strategy game for PC

Abandoned at about 25%. Initially I was intrigued, which was promising given that it's been a while since I enjoyed a third-person game. This was mainly down to what I hoped would be a compelling story, as the gameplay elements seemed to be lacking (took me a good while to find the time pin!) Alas, as the game progressed the story just didn't unfurl; rather it became a series of sparse and loosely related events that were showing little cohesion. The gameplay became a touch tiresome, just the usual progress-is-blocked-find-something-to-unblock-it. A common trope in gaming, but frustrating in this scenario, moreso than usual. For example, early on we have to get into a building through a broken window above us. To accomplish this we have to find two things. I understand this is a 'puzzle', and part of the 'game' but it just slows the plot and seems pointless, and breaks immersion when there are loads of other windows that could be easily smashed (were it a real situation). I know this criticism could be levelled at any number of games, but it (perhaps unfairly) was more blatant here. The main game element should've been the dual reality but in my partial playthrough this was immaterial. The USP is the concurrent gameplay, except you never use them concurrently. Of course, it may happen later, but with that mechanism why not woo the player right away and show its power. No, you switch from one reality to the other. Now, were this executed ala Titanfall 2 you would be provided with a little agency of when to switch and given a little more satisfaction. Instead you somewhat randomly try things in one world and then in another, until you progress. Objects somehow move between realities, but that's just part of the fairly loose rules of the world building.

I don't know, were the narrative compelling, the gameplay would've been forgivable. But it wasn't it was essentially absent.

The graphics were great though. The music was spot on. Controls were satisfactory and the prelude set some sold foundations for character-building. I just don't think the narrative and 'unique' mechanism were harnessed well enough.

I don't think arcade racing gets better than this.