Always a looker with it having a gorgeous presentation, adorable characters, and at times some expert level design that feels perfect for the grapple mechanic. I found the villain amusing, our protagonist great and you know I got hit with a burst of joy when I found out you can pet him after getting all the collectibles in a level.

But those highlights didn't stop me from finding the soundtrack REALLY numbing as it loops endlessly. The specific levels that require intense precision were rather frustrating as the grapple can be stiff at times. And a few bugs (that appear exclusive to the switch version) including a hard crash that hit me right at the end forcing me to play the final level again after beating the boss.

Despite the title being more or less a mixed bag I did have a lot of fun. I will likely go back occasional and try and nab all the collectibles. I am 100% happy to hear a sequel is coming that will hopefully address my concerns.

Grapple Dog may not end up being your favorite 2-D platformer but it has enough there to make it worth a recommendation if you can accept some problems.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023
