Log Status







Time Played

23h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 30, 2024

First played

November 3, 2023


After years of poking fun at as well as being genuinely fascinated by this series I finally bit the bullet and decided to give the series a real try. And honestly at this point I find it really funny how the initial appeal of the series (as well as the current appeal for on-lookers semi-outsiders) is that it’s a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover when that’s all the least interesting stuff as far as I’m concerned. All the original characters and lore—for as ridiculous and complicated they can be—are easily the best stuff here. I’m sorry but I can’t help but be fascinated when Sora’s close rival friend gets possessed by an old evil scientist who goes on about “the Darkness” as a tangible source of power that can make its own keyblade in order to do his nefarious multidimensional deeds; cringe be damned.

Side note: fuck Atlantica but more importantly fuck that entire 30-goddamn-phase final boss that shit was entirely uncalled for.