If you are a Star Wars fan looking for a choose your own adventure story/multiplayer game, this is the game for you. The story is great, the voice acting is phenomenal, and the customization is endless. This game has made me the major Star Wars fan I am today, and it has endless replayability. That being said, it is not flawless. The combat itself (as with all MMO's) gets pretty repetitive and the free-to-play model comes with some drawbacks. However, the fact this game is free is one of it's greatest strengths as well. All main stories and the first three or so DLC expansions are accessible and you only need a month's subscription if you want to progress to further content. This game has kept me playing since 2014 and I have no plans to stop. I strongly recommend this game to Star Wars fans or anyone looking for a unique sci-fi adventure. Also the pre-rendered cinematics are top-notch.

TLDR: Amazing game for Star Wars fans or anyone looking for a (free) unique sci-fi adventure.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023
