Like the sonic frontiers review this’ll be whatever thoughts come to mind
I’m generally of the opinion that demos rarely do any game justice and thought this would be the same thing, the game just kept getting worse as it kept going
I think the story is fine at best for what it is, but the shift from rivialing kingdoms while trying to destory the crystals to the indomitable human spirit vs God too quickly.
Another problem is how the game has a 5 year timeskip where nothing changed at all, none of the “important” characters died and clive’s and jill’s relationship somehow made 0 progress
Im not sure of the game explanied it and i missed it, but i don’t understand why joshua didnt meet up with clive again right after he revived, after sealing ultima i can handwave but i didnt see a single reason before
I also feel that none of the characters got proper focus or development,which is really just a problem of the game ditching a traditional party
I know that levilatian got the spotlight last game but it really sucks that he’s missing just for dlc bait
This game really shouldve decided whether or not it wanted to be an straight action game or a rpg, cuz the way it is not its just half-assing both
It clearly has a lot of action game design to every dungeon being labeled as a stage,an arcade mode, and stage replay along with the general combat but it feels like they designed all that first and then someone came into the office and told them hey we need this to be an rpg too
Which is why there’s so many halfassed rpg elements, basic weapon crafiting,acessiories that barely make a difference, levels/stats for the sake of it,side quests taken straight out of MMOs designed to waste your time
On the topic of sidequests, its one of thing for them to be optional, but when the basic go here,get this,talk to this person shows up even when you’re just doing the main quest it really drags down the pace of the game,which is funny considering how quickly the story shifts
The overworld design and movement is terrible, not only does it take way too long to break into his dash, he slows down to a crawl inside cities,plus the world is just too big for its own good because they didnt understand the reason world maps/areas work is because of random encounters/monsters on the field to distract you from the fact that you’re just walking.there’s way too much downtime in between
Genuinely this game would’ve been paced if the just removed all the side quests and the overworld and just made it cutscene/stage/cutscene and keep the hideaway
Clive’s base moveset is severely undercooked,they already stole stinger and helm breaker from dmc, they might as well have given him pause combos,a million stab equivalent and an actual launcher
Gaurda’s feat is way too useful to not take up a slot, it’s practically required for anything with a stagger bar. The half staggered stage should just been something that happens when you’re halfway though anyway
Odin is aslo required if you want to have a more diverse moveset, but at the same time the abilities are also too geared to building zantetsuken and deal way too little damage, if you use both you’re only really left with one eikon,and still 2 at best
As mich as i dislike the way the stagger bar is implmented in this game and how any enemy that has it takes 0 hitstun,i can tell that its definitly designed around it, enemies will give you time to pull off an ablity,serveral ablities stop time, and you can cancel most actions relatively quickly
To further elaborate on the stagger bar, its a damn shame that the only interaction it has is that you can do more damage to enemies,considering how they’ve done it better before with FF13 and 7R,it really shouldve at least been more like nioh where once you break the bar you can go combo crazy until it refills,plus it takes less time to deplete each time it refills
This game also way too easy, and its insane that it even lets you increase the amount of items you can carry with you
Literally every enemy in this game acts like they’re on a an ATB bar and only attack when its full,meanwhile while you’re plowing everyone down with reckless abandon
Another consequene of how the stagger bar is implemented is that bosses clearly take their “turn” as after big attack it’s your “turn” they stand there and recover so you can wail on them.i dont really think this is really what an action game should go for. I’ve talked with my other friends online and we generally agree that the genre greats(dmc,bayonetta,KH) that bosses are constantly aggressive unless you exploit the small openings that they have and take back your “turn”
The pace at which you get new eikions is way too slow, i skipped the prolougue and even then it took like another 3 hours before i got garuda and until the timeskip to get ramuh,it only gets better once you’re down to the last 2.
I also think cooldowns for abilities is just a bad design choice,at least I'm the way that it's implemented here. I think my favorite about rpgs is resource management and thoughtful decision making,should I use my mp and heal or waste it on a limit,should I be defensive or rush the attack,there isnt any of that here cuz its use whatevers not on cooldown and pop the limit break when the boss is staggered,again a consequence of how easy the game is
It’s also insane just how bloated the hp for everything is in this game,even for basic enemies. I played the whole game on story focused and even then its too much.i replayed the first stage
this might be cause i played asura’s wrath recently, which is the premier qte cinematic game, but this game has one of the worst implementation of qtes, its so basic,literally only 2 prompts and they gave you enough time to get a sandwich before you fail.
The eikonic battles are also very basic and are really style over substance,it takes way too long for you to get something other than the basic combo and even then its still more limited compared to clive.
It’s aslo an unforgivable that the group fight against ifrit prime is just qte’s and not an actual fight
It’s also only at the end when you fight barnabas and the boss fights after that the game actually gives some semblance of a challenge, although half of it is for the wrong reason as all the particle effects really get in the way and make it way harder than it needs to be to avoid.
FF mode being restricted to new game plus was a mistake and really shouldve been available from the start,as it is new game plus also needs to have an option similar to to the egg shuttle from sonic colors and just be every stage back to back no cutscenes or anything
Im usually not one to comment on music but i really found the soundtrack to be unmemorable,not a single track really stood out to me.
I'm not gonna say this isn't an FF game, but personally for me it's missing too many aspects that I would consider part of the series,from a compelling party,minigames,meaningful character progression,etc

This review contains spoilers

Time for the big Sonic Frontiers review
It's gonna be pretty all over the place,just gonna write whatever comes to mind
I actually do like the gameplay loop here,having to collect tokens and gears to get vault keys then chaos emeralds,it's paced really well and flows well too,I did spend 7 hours the day I got it after all
Almost all of the memory tokens are small platforming challenges and they're pretty fun,even the ones in 2D
That said it's really easy to just break the economy with fishing,good to have options I guess
The actual gameplay is kinda hit or miss,Sonic controls really well in the open world and in cyberspace but there's just a lot of jank. He just magnetized to the ground for some reason,it's almost Impossible to do slope jumps because he just goes straight down,but you can hit the smallest rock on the ground and get sent flying into the sky
Combat is also a bit of a disappointment.lots of flash and i gotta give props to whoever programed the controller vibration for all the attacks,but it's really shallow.there's a big lack of skills to unlock(you can practically get it all by the end of the second island) and a lot of the moves basically overlap,wild rush and loop kick do the same thing,same with sonic boom and cross slash
Surprisingly rings actually work rather well for health despite completing a cyloop giving you rings since a lot of the enemies don't let you freely use it.
That said,The enemy variety is also kinda lacking better than unleashed plus some of enemies tend to have a shield up requiring to cyloop which gets annoying really fast
•The parry is also a massive disappointment since you can just hold it down without timing,ruins a lot of the combat and the titan fights,the game literally has a hint about it
Parry aside, the titan fights are 100% the most hype sonic has been since unleashed,and I have no idea how they're gonna top it with every game going forward,the ending with the knight awakened my inner final fantasy sonic X memories
Again the reuse of level design and the same 4 level themes suck,but playing through those stages with different physics has its own fun to it a double jump and an airboost that gives you height especially with stages from unleashed
Despite all the reuse,there's 9 levels that are completely original,so it's odd why all the levels weren't,they have pretty good level design too even if it's on the short side
The 2D levels kinda suck tbh,sonic just feels like he moves way slower
Honestly I wish they removed the boost for the cyberspace and just made his max run speed faster,it barely makes a difference and you can't beat enemies with it
Cyberspace has its own jank too,the lightspeed dash just instantly kills your momentum but a lot of ring trail lead into dash ring so the levels are at least designed around it
I'm gonna be honest, it really does look like a generic unreal engine open world game with sonic in it.and it's not just the art design,none of the maps feel like a sonic game,it's almost completely flat with barely any hills or loops,not to mention how out of place all the grind rails and springs in the air are.
Kronos and ares are fun to complete,but chaos kinda sucks because of how it's split into a big island with 3 other smaller islands,it's just a pain to get there cuz it's unclear which path to take
Rhea island has my favorite interpretation of the ubisoft towers,it's just a platforming gauntlet up to the top and you can easily lose a lot of height,they really should've had this replicated across all the islands and used them to uncover the map rather than the challenges
A lot of challenges are kinda whatever,it's either a basic puzzle or cyloop a couple things,or the hamster wheel,again should've just used the ubisoft towers but they're all really short so it's not that big of a deal
Rhea island and ouranos island are a pretty big disappointment between the reused biome and music,sage's memory tokens are literally amy's,even the music is the same,it's here where you can tell the budget ran out in more ways than one especially with how there's voiced lines of Eggman referring to the starfall islands as 3 than 5
I usually don't really care much about performance stuff but yeah the pop in is actually pretty bad,it doesn't mess up your gameplay but it is distracting especially when you unlock a bunch of fast travel rails,I think it's pretty funny though since sonic is the fastest thing alive,I guess technology will never catch up to him
The fast travel on islands is instant though,and i have no idea how they managed that
The story is alright,it's 1000% better than everything we've got the past decade but still falls pretty short of the greats like unleashed,black knight or secret rings but its got a good couple problems
A lot of what happens is basically at the beginning and the end,and it's mostly character interactions in between,which is fine
The lore added with the chaos emeralds is cool and interesting don't really have much to say
The whole subplot with Sonic becoming corrupt with Cyberspace went nowhere and was extremely anti-climatic,everyone just holds hands and it gone,this is 100% sega mandate fuckery at play and i'm really hoping the sucess of this game lets them lay off of them for a while
The ending is extremely rushed in so many ways,for one the final boss is a qte on easy and normal or a touhou boss in hard mode instead of another super sonic boss,there's evidence of this with how the text Says use the titans' power instead of titan's power
Sonic doesn't even do anything other than at the end,it's Sage who does everything
The end as a villain is lame as hell,it's literally just a moon,no eldritch abomination or anything,all it does is spout about how it's better than everything sonic's faced before,which sonic doesn't even retort back,despite every other boss that did that sonic would fire back(neo metal,infinite,erazor djinn)
Sage's sacrifice isn't even acknowledged at all despite sonic knowing sage is with him in the cutscene beforehand,plus it's even more confusing with how what sonic says before the fight seems to refer to the multiple titans instead of sage
The whole thing with sage being a misunderstood person who’s just looking out for eggman doesn't really work since you can easily talk to her in the open world multiple times and she's at best passive-aggressive
The daughter thing with Eggman is also underdeveloped with most of it being in optional egg memos and the one cutscene being terrible at getting that point across since Eggman just orders sage around and asks for status reports
It feels so refreshing to have everyone act like actual characters again then the terrible caricatures we've had the past decade,especially with how great they got the relationships with everyone and acknowledging how inconsistent tails has been,gotta thank Ian Flynn for that
Sonic on the other hand,while immensely better than before still isn't perfect.its like they overcorrected with people complaining that he never took anything seriously.he says one good snarky reply to sage and that's about it. It's kinda disappointing knowing how ian usually manages the perfect balance.
Unsurprisingly, I still don't like the voice acting,although a large part of it is because I don't like the tone of the game,it's all somber but none of the events in the game warrant the tone,sonic's just lost his friends and Sage explicitly says they're perfectly fine just stuck in much as i still dislike his take I’ve actually gotten rather unfortunately used to roger’s sonic voice now so the deep voice bit wasn't doing it for me,plus its really inconsistent since outside of a couple scenes its just his sonic voice without the cringe dialogue,although its still lacking energy like always,in story and gameplay.i never understood how they thought “you know i think Sonic’s having the time of his life going through these stages” in unleashed and never implemented it again in anything since.Super Sonic is also silent in every fight,he doesnt even have grunts for his attacks.that said im very happy that Sonic’s back to starting conversations with Yo
Sonic team 100% has to work on the animations for the next game,a lot of the optional side stories just have the characters standing in one place and talking and there’s barely any animation to it,and there’s also the knight fight finale where Sonic’s holding the sword but there’s no handle so his hand’s gripping nothing the entire animation,its extremely distracting and ruins the moment
In the end I think this is a good formula that they’ve figured out and good enough game considering the constrained budget and lack of manpower,however its pretty clear that this was in development for a year and a half to 2 at best,and iizuka had to beg for an extra year of time
Theres a bunch of references in this game,from previous events and characters from past games to tangle from the comics and sticks from boom(this isnt in the japanese so i’ll assume its just for fun ,that said at point it basically became the point because he said the thing meme
On the topic of the comic character reference, it seems they trying to consolidate everything into one big universe and continuity,which is great but Sonic continuity is extremely messy, just look at blaze, in rush it says she’s from another dimension \but in 06 shes’s from the future,of course the events of 06 were erased but they did happen in some form, only to go back to being from another dimension.Flynn’s mentioned how he pitched comic book adaptations of the games and im hoping it gets approved, cuz all of these inconsistencies and questions have to be cleared up in some form