rly cool stuff ! definitely better at channeling the Unknowable Alien Semi-Lovecraftian vibes in the actual play then in the writing...i didnt have much patience for the way the protagonist's Normal Dude-ness was expressed thru early 2010s type quips tho at least those phase out. and rly the whole thing is carried v well by not only the atmosphere and map design, but also the fact that this is one of the only indie metroidvanias ive played where i had Genuinely No Idea what kind of abilities i was gonna unlock...rly rly admirable for that alone, the sense of discovery thats so important to this genre is harder to achieve when yr following super metroid So Closely as a template. bangin tunes, and rly awesome boss fights too, even with an unaccommodating difficulty spike in the ending stretch. i genuinely treasure every moment i can in these games where i have no idea where to go, thats what video games are all about

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2023
